With the help of program leadership and dedicated mentors, each fellow will develop a personalized career development plan that aligns with their research interests and log-term career plans. Fellows spend the majority of their first year (F-1) developing a foundation of knowledge and clinical skills through the core curriculum rotations. As a part of our conference series, fellows will participate in faculty-led discussions on career development in Hematology/Oncology and we will help fellows identify faculty members with whom they may wish to work. By the end of first year of fellowship, fellows will have identified a key faculty mentor and will formalize their individualized career development plan.
During fellowship, faculty members will provide support to establish mentorship and collaboration with other colleagues as needed in order to achieve the fellows’ stated goals. Mentors will assist fellows in tracking their own progress along their career development plan to ensure that each fellow meets the challenge of personalized career development with success. Faculty mentors along with program leadership will review career development and scholarship efforts every 6 months and identify areas for continued growth with the intention of helping fellows achieve their stated goals during fellowship training.
Numerous resources at the division, department and institutional level are available for fellows to gain necessary skills that align with diverse career goals within hematology/oncology. Â Discussion with program leadership and core faculty will help fellows to identify the best resources for them to utilize in order to meet the goals outlined in their career development plan.