Breast Cancer

The UF Health Breast Center’s comprehensive medical team provides compassionate care and personalized options for our patients. Our nationally recognized experts offer state-of-the-art treatment options for benign and cancerous breast conditions, including therapies that are available only through clinical trials. We also provide services for women who are at a high risk for developing breast cancer. We bring together clinicians and researchers dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. Our mutli-disciplinary team features UF Health breast surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists working together to streamline care for women diagnosed with breast cancer as well as women at high risk for breast cancer.

With one phone call to (352) 265-7070, patients can schedule all appointments and receive personal assistance from our Breast Center Team, which is available to answer questions and coordinate medical services.

For more information, please visit

Breast Cancer Faculty

Name Title Business Phone Email
Karen Daily Karen Daily Clinical Professor (352) 273-7832
Coy Heldermon Coy Heldermon Associate Professor (352) 273-7832
Stephen Staal Stephen Staal Professor (352) 273-7832