3rd Edition, 2007
This First Edition of this handbook was published in 2002 based on an institutional need for standardized dosing, referencing, and education of staff and trainees. It subsequently underwent numerous changes resulting in the Second Edition, released in 2005. The current Third Edition represents an even larger endeavor to provide information and referencing for those who medically care for patients with cancer and hematologic disorders. Substantial effort has been made to ensure that details of the doses, route and guidelines of administration are in accordance with the noted references. As in any printed reference, the database of regimens and drug doses may become out-of-date over time, since new information may have been published and become generally accepted after printing.
Therefore, users of the Handbook are advised to check appropriate medical literature and product information provided by manufacturers of each drug to be administered to determine if there has been any change in regimens, drug dosages, route of administration, or other factors. In using this Handbook, the healthcare professional retains the sole responsibility to be fully aware of current practices and standards, to avoid use of outdated regimens, to employ good clinical judgment in selecting regimens and calculating doses for individual patients, and to verify all dosage calculations prior to administration.
The Editors
Disclaimer: The Editors disclaim any liability or damages arising from any errors, or your use of the information in this publication. The prescriber is solely responsible for making all decisions related to appropriate patient care including, but not limited to, dose, schedule, and any supportive care.